Friday 30 November 2007

Wives lack understanding of men

I have had wives attacking me because their husbands have paid me money for my services. This is the same as a mother attacking a shopkeeper because her child bought sweets in the shop. It makes no sense to anyone but that is the mentality of a woman who has become a wife.

When I get a client, I treat him as a client. I do not ask his marital status, nor do I care. My services do not depend of his marital status, but more on how much money he will pay me for what I do. I have no relationship with the man. I have no vested interest in any part of him apart from his money. If he gave me his money and walked away with no services I would take the money and bank it. I am not even interested in giving him services. I just do it to get him to give me the money. I am no in competition with this man’s wife for this man.

The man comes to me on his own accord and he pays me voluntarily and he either wears a condom or not as he wishes. As long as he pays me, I have nothing against him. The man knows whether or not he is married. He has a choice of coming to me or going to his wife. I do not influence him in that choice.

So for the wife to attack me is totally out of order. I used to run away and hide, but one day I chose to stand my ground. I asked this woman in Kadoma, Zimbabwe if I was married to her or if she knew me from somewhere. She just wanted to fight me and kept accusing me of having an affair with her husband. I do not do affairs. When she attacked me I made sure she never thought to attack any other sex worker again in her life. She came off worst.

I have had so many attacks in Africa, but never in Europe. European wives understand that the argument is between them and their husbands. If your husband does not get what he needs from you, he will get it from someone else. A sex worker is just incidental to your problems with your husband. She does not add to them or anything. She does not even need to know that they are there. She is simply making a living.

Wednesday 28 November 2007

Morality, Ethics and Compassion in sex work.

As a sex worker, my clients and I operate outside the moral code as defined by religion. There is no such thing as morality outside of religion such as Christianity or maybe some sections of Islam. Morality begins and ends with religion. Once outside this boundary, the only limit is the law of the land. There is no law of the land that limits sex work. This means that a sex worker and her clients are free to do anything they please, and indeed they do.

Sex workers do not pay any income tax
Sex workers do not have to insist on wearing condoms
Sex workers are not subject to any trading laws that other businesses are subject to
Sex workers are not usually named in divorce cases as third parties. They remain anonymous
Sex workers have no Guild, professional body or compulsory skills audit or standards commission.
Sex workers do not have to take exams or show anyone any qualifications.

So in essence sex workers have total and absolute freedom of the law and of morality.

Ethics, like the law and morality must be written down. As far as I know there are no professional or incidental or even human ethics governing the work, conduct or practice of a sex worker. All these mean that you cannot approach a sex worker and start telling them to use condoms basing your view on matters moral, legal or ethical, because their business is outside all three.

If you invoke compassion, for example I was forever asked if I should feel sorry for the wives and children of my clients who get HIV after the man has been with me. My view was always that the man knows his family very well, and he does not believe that they should be safe from HIV. Who am I, an outsider, to interfere with that view. If the man thought his wife and children were worthy of freedom from HIV, he would not come to me at all. He would nurture his relationship with his wife, or if she was sexually incapacitated, he would beg me to roll a condom onto him. The fact that he pays me more to agree to have condomless sex means his family are not important. So again compassion does not come into the matter at all. If it did it would come through the man himself.

An HIV positive sex worker has very little to lose compared to a married man with children and whose wife is still young enough to have more children. If compassion was an issue, he would have it towards his wife and children. He doesn't, so it isn't. A sex worker's focus is money and money only.

After all the virus is an intruder in my body. I do not control its activities. I do not own it. I do not want it. It does what it wants to do. Writing a law limiting my activities just because I happen to be host to an independent virus is a bit unfair on me. After all humanity passed the virus to me by force. At least I offer condom to all my clients. Those that refuse are simply expressing a preference for HIV. I cannot be expected to lose income over someone else's decision.

Does the condom actually work in preventing HIV?

The short and most truthful answer is a resounding NO. The use of condoms does not prevent HIV transmission totally. It only reduces the rate of transmission. If a man frequents sex workers and uses condoms all the time, he will eventually catch HIV. Condoms are made in a variety of ways and users are usually unaware of this fact. They just think one condom is as good as the next. They are also made for different reasons such as safety, contraception, reduction of premature ejaculation, fun in sex, etc. When you ask an average man what type of condom he has brought, you often see him show a confused look. Condoms can rip, even when used by experienced users. When one rips, do you catch HIV straight away or not? How many times do you have to have a ripped condom before you can catch HIV? Nobody really knows the answer.

HIV and other STIs is transmitted because men do not like their wives. Condoms were invented to try to make it seem like men are protecting themselves when out there hunting for sex outside the home. Ask any sex worker how many times a condom has burst on them and listen to what they say. It is more common than you think. Now most sex workers prefer to roll on the condom themselves to make sure it is done properly. A man with a hardo is not exactly capable of thinking about anything else and assuming he can correctly roll on a condom is foolish.

In the SADC region, there is an added practice of married men having shared concubines. Most men have another woman they have regular sex with in exchange for groceries and rent for her house. They are not proper commercial sex workers, but they are social sex workers. Each of them usually has other few (three to four) regular men she also gets income from. Men usually do not use condoms with these women. The idea is once you have been having sex with her for a while, you start pretending she has no other men and condoms are no longer used. A concubine like that usually has children and each of the men thinks the child is his so they all pay a voluntary maintenance. If she catches HIV from any of the men, all the others, their wives and their subsequent children will have HIV.

While I was a full time sex worker I had men who preferred to treat me like they treat a concubine. They pay me a portion of their salary at the end of each month, the pay my rent and they pay the shop where I get my groceries. I could have several paying clients during the day, and have a regular man staying for 4 or so hours during the evening. Such men are usually rich businessmen who call their wives on cell phones just before or just after having sex with you.

Wasting time insisting on condoms in such a society is just a waste of money, because the sex workers already have HIV, the concubines will catch HIV, men will necessarily have HIV and the wives almost must catch HIV. In the mean time they also catch other STIs. A wife may never be unfaithful, but she will still catch an STI. It is more dangerous in the SADC region to be married than to be single when it comes to the rate at which people are infected. The number of freely available condoms in the region is not relevant to the equation. The organisation of the society is what needs to be changed before condoms can work. The condom has been a nearly useless quick fix. However, you need to use condoms all the time whether you are married or not. Look carefully at how they should be used.

I have always suggested that the young women who want to get married (stupid thing to do) should undergo a rigorous training programme, paid for by the government, and run by former-sex workers, to give them the sexual skills that they will need to keep the man focussed. The men also need a system of immediate and severe punishment if found to be unfaithful. These would only take one generation before attitudes change. As a former sex worker, I may seem to be talking my fellow sex workers out of a job, because if men do not stray, sex workers cannot work. I think that sex workers could be paid for by governments to do useful social work. The men in prisons, the men in barracks, etc they all need sex.

Tuesday 27 November 2007

What is the income in sex work?

Income depends on how you run the biz and where you are. In Zimbabwe I was earning a lot less than my clients, while in the UK I was earning several times more than each of my clients. Being a sex worker in Southern Africa is not that profitable but you do earn more than an average worker. In the UK the first thing you notice is that other girls tell you you need a minder. These are not very good people but they protect you from bad clients. They also take a large proportion of your earnings. On most evenings, my minder whose street name was Stick, was always the last one to have sex with me after I had been working most of the afternoon and evening. The only time he did not do that was when I was booked for the full night.

He tok all the money from me and gave me back around 20%. this would be about 200 Pounds per night. What used to annoy me was that he would know that I had had a tip from a client. He seemed to know everything. He took my tips off me.

When I became more confident, I stopped having a minder, moved to East London from Slough and carried on on my own. The earnings were not much for a while but after about two months I was earning as much as I had been with a minder, for less hours

By the later part of 2003 I was earning at least 6000 Pounds per month easily. I have never paid any form of tax in my life. I also found out that Arabic clients pay a lot more than others. There was a time when I was hired to go with a client to the USA for two weeks. I earned nearly 15000 pounds during that time.

In South Africa you work harder and the clients are much more crude and unrefined, but you can make over 50 000 Rand per month. Also clients recommend each other to you so you can easily have more than ten clients from the same friendship group.

Overall, if you do not use drugs you can save you money very quickly.

What is the cost

I have been physically attacked by the clients when they tried to avoid payment but still wanted sex
I have been attacked by the wives of clients when they discover the husband has been paying family money to me.
I have been arrested more than once
I have been in scary situations
I had to buy a large supply of condoms
I had to buy expensive clothes
I have been with some very dirty and smelly men for a fee.
I have met some sexually ignorant married men
I have listened smilingly to some rubbish from men as they justify coming to me to themselves.
I had HIV before I started so disease does not count as a cost in my case.
I have been treated like a queen only to be normal again when I get back to my appartment.

Monday 26 November 2007

Why the African man is promiscuous:

• An African wife is an accessory, not a person in her own right. So there is no need to be loyal
• Children, to an African man, are not as important as a new vagina on a sex worker. He only wants them as proof of his verility. An African man with children will kill another man over a sex worker without a thought about what will happen to his wife or children, when he could have just waited another half hour for the other man to finish the transaction with the sex worker so he can have his turn. In London the men meet as one is going out and another is coming in, or is waiting in the hall, and no fighting takes place. Africans would have to fight.
• Sex is always described in violent words most of which give the impression that the man is doing something violent to the woman, and the woman is just an incidental victim of it. There are very few used words that describe sex in gentle and soft terms. As a result, sex identifies very easily with violence and you find violence in the home, violence in relationships, etc. In Zimbabwe, the men insist on dry sex, (that is to say if your vagina gets wet during sex, the man thinks you are useless in bed) This has caused women to use all sorts of chemicals to stop themselves from getting wet when excited. A man can send his wife back to her family to be taught manners, if she keeps getting wet during sex. The fear of getting moist is a real fear in Zimbabwe.
• The number of sex workers is increasing in Africa.

When I wanted to kill all men on earth.

In the few days following my very first rape, I was raped several times. The man, being my and my three siblings’ carer threatened me with turning us all onto the street if I refused. After he finished each time, I would be in tears and all he could say was “It was not that bad was it?” and walk out of the room with a smile on his face. He was already HIV positive and very thin. His wife did not look as sick but she was. They both were dead within two years of my rape.

From the first day, my instinct was to kill every man I came across. I became very angry with men for a long while after that day. However, I soon discovered that I had no choice but to treat men nicely. I ran away from home after maybe six rapes. I found myself in Harare where I could not go to the houses of anyone I knew in case they send me back to being raped. I decided to make my own way. I slept behind a petrol station and fed on bread and thrown away fruit the first three days. I did not have a wash because I had no soap or towel or anything. I just washed my face with water. All my belongings were is a small overnight bag. I was sitting on this bag at the petrol station, on the early evening of the fourth day, when a man driving a big Mercedes car on his way from work spotted me and spoke to me. I smiled and answered him back. He stopped and we exchanged a few more words. I agreed to go in his car and by the end of the evening I had had sex with him with a condom that he carried in his pocket, I had been fed well, and I had enough money to last me a week. I also had been moved into a room in one of his properties. I had a form rubber mattress and two blankets. When I look back now, that is the evening I discovered that sex pays money. The man listened to me and was very sympathetic to my plight, but he still wanted sex, and lots of it with me. I was 18 and he was in his late fifties. I later found out that he had children older than me. I met his wife and his children when they came to collect rent from the tenants.

My hatred for men continued for a few years, and only subsided when I had some counselling in England around 2003 after I found out I was positive. I had been carrying so much hate for men for over four years. I also had depended on men for my income for that long.

Estimated number of my men by country:

Men I have been with by country
Over the seven years that I was fully in the biz, I estimate the following:
Click on the table to make it bigger

In the UK it was mostly black men who refused to use condoms. The rest of the races were always ready to use them. Some even brought their own condoms, in case I did not have any. Everyone was offered condoms.

There were a number of burst condoms in the early years, but these reduced as time went on.

Age range of men overall = 25- 65
About 9 in 10 men were married and the wives available at home nearby or in the same town. I have often wondered why a married man leaves his free wife in the house, who presumably married him because she is willing to have as much sex with him as possible, and he goes out to pay a sex worker to do what he can have for free at any time he wants. He also uses family money to which she is entitled to 50%. I have often wondered why societies condemn sex workers for the actions of the married man. Why do they not condemn the married woman for her inaction.

As a sex worker, I never actively advertised my trade to anyone. I only told the men that they had to pay after they approached me for sex. If societies were logical, they would understand that if they consider this to be an undesirable trade, then they should stop their husbands, brothers, sons, fathers, etc coming to us. If they come, we will earn our money and provide a service.

I can not sit here and honestly say 10 000-35 000 men in seven years were wrong. That is a large number of men. Many of these were in honourable professions and leaders in their communities, teachers, community leaders, doctors, lawyers, judges, grave diggers, drivers, businessmen, priests, church workers, etc. People from all walks of life use sex workers.

Friday 23 November 2007

Sex Work and rapes in the SADC region

From my experience, the number of sex workers in the region is increasing. This is more so because of ladies from Zimbabwe moving into other countries. It is clear to anyone what is going on with new Zimbabwe arrivals in Windhoik, Gaborone, Francistown. Joburg, Cape Town Durban, Lusaka, Blantyre, Nairobi, etc.

In addition, the rates of rape seem to remain very high and if you are arrested for working in the streets, you can be sure to have sex with three or more police officers before you are released. This is the norm in all the countries I have been arrested in, South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe.

My sexual history.

I was raped at age 18 by a man with HIV. I did not know then that I had been infected. Him and his wife died within 18 months of the rape.

I was already working in the sex trade and continued to do so till I was nearly 26. During that time I had sex with or without a condom depending on the men's preference. I found black men more resistant to condoms. In my live, I have been with maybe 20 -30 men per week for nearly 8 years. That is 8320 -12480 men in total. Each of these could have chosen to risk HIV or other STIs. Although I have always offered condoms to men, I did not turn them down if they refused. The job of a sex worker is to earn money. No sex worker I ever knew could give back the money and let the client go because of condoms.

I currently live with my partner who is also positive. We have become faithful to each other on and off. When we do have sex with others, we know who has done what and with whom. We are both on ARV treatment.

HIV Epidemic in Southern Africa.

I feel that governments in Southern Africa have not fully understood the impact of HIV on such as Training costs, Economy, taxation, medical costs, family structure, etc. This epidemic was very easy to stop and still is but nobody wants to be seen to be doing anything about it.

A reasonable government should introduce compulsory testing for all citizens and those who choose to visit the country. each should then get either a green card for negative or a red card for positive. All red card holders can then occupy a certain part of the country while the green card holders occupy another. The Red card holder should not be allowed to reproduce. Only the green card holders can reproduce.

If it found the people with mismatching cards had sex between them, then both get punished but the Green card holder gets more punishment because he/she has something to lose and should not take the risk.

Seeing that in Zimbabwe for example, the number of HIV positive people is very high, The economy will not be affected at all. The HIV town will just run smoothly by HIV positive people.

Before anyone can marry, they must satisfy the registrar that they are both negative or both positive and sterilised.

All green card holders must be tested once every 6 months and rellocated as necessary. The data is then published in a National HIV Negative directory which is dated and valid only for six months. If you fancy a boy/man/girl/woman, you would be required by law to first check that their name appears on the list and that the directory used is less than six month old.

This scheme would please a lot of women in the SADC region seeing that it is men who spread the virus through promiscuity. Working as a sex worker for many years, I found that most clients were married. Most did not just visit me, but visited other sex workers as well, so if they did not get the virus from me they would get it from someone else. A much higher proportion of sex workers in the region are positive campared to the general public. Also most black men hate condoms, even when the condoms are freely available.

The government should give financial incentives for young people who marry early for example whan they are at university or college. They can then start serving up for their house. If one of the couple should test positive after receiving money, then they must pay it back.

All pregnant women and newly born babies must be tested and recorded.

Those who develop full blown AIDS should be cared for in terms of food and other supplies to manage their pain, but should not be given ARV treatment. I have been on ARV treament for seven years and you cannot tell that I have the virus. Left to their own divices, the men will continue having sex even in the protected towns. Without ARV that group will be the last to be infected.

The result would be that the men stop going with sex workers or other women.
This with HIV would stop visiting the country
The use of condoms would go up.

Within 8-9 years there would be no HIV in the country.
The cost of the scheme would be a lot less than the cost of the deaths of 4000 per week in Zimbabwe added to the cost of training replacements for those who have died,

This scheme would force each and every citizen to take direct responsibility for their sexual safety, and not leave it to chance as they do now. With that everyone over the age of 15 for boys and 14 for girls would be required by law to go and collect a free pack of condoms every week. If you are found at any time without a ready supply of condoms on your person, you would be subject to a fine.

Rapists would automatically qualify for a sex change operation, to make sure they can never infect anyone again.

That is what a responsible government should be doing.
But instead we have (Zimbabwe)
4000 deaths per week
56% of the army and police infected
35% of the teachers infected
23%-25% of the whole population infected

Lesotho and Swaziland and Botswana are a lot worse.