Tuesday 23 December 2008

Religion and Gayness

The Gay Christian movement is a funny lot. Is it rocket Science to note that you cannot have GAY and Christian in the same sentence? This earth is how it is because people mix what should not be mixed. If you are a Christian, then you are not gay, and vice versa. If you are a Christian you should abide by a certain code. Now I know that when I was working I was paid by many Catholic and other priests for sex, contrary to their beliefs, but those who paid me did so in secret knowing that they were wrong. Not so with the Gay Christians, They actually go round saying they are right.

Might we to witness the creation of the
Women’s Collective of Christian Sex Workers
The Christian Thieves Movement
The Christian Liars Movement
The Christian Murderers Movement
The Christian Rapists Movement.

I do not think we should go round abusing other people’s groups in such a manner. If you do not believe in Christianity, Islam, or Buddhism, there is no need to create a satirised group about it just so you get attention.
Christianity and Islam exclude homosexuals from their congregations, and Islam seeks to reduce the actual number of homosexuals from in or near to their communities for fear of the men being asked out to tea. Why then would a gay person want to create a grouping following that?
They should stop wasting time and concentrate of preventing the spread of disease or rapes or paedophilia from among the gay movement, instead of confusing issues. Having one’s behind done regularly must be serious business on its own (only ever tried it once and failed ) never mind having to interrupt practice to prepare hypocritical sermons about how we should live by the WORD.
Choose ye this day how you will live. If you are gay, live a gay life, if you are a Christian live a Christian life, if you are a sex worker, live a sex worker’s life. Mixing is not good for anyone.

This why a dog like president Mugabe comes out and says they are worse than dogs meaning he knows neither dog, nor gay people.

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