Saturday 13 December 2008

Interview with the press. Zimbabwe Minister of Information

A recorded interview between a Zimbabwean information handler and an International news reporter. 6th December 2008. Mr Charamba, a UK graduate, was wearing a suit made in Italy during the interview.

Reporter: Why is ZANU PF abducting activists and killing them?

Mr Charamba: American are killing Iraqi activists. The British are killing Al Qaida activists. Pakistan is killing activists. Somalia is killing democracy activists. In Darfour activists die of their own accord, just like they do here.

Reporter: Is it true that ZANU PF murdering unlicensed miners in the Diamond region?

Mr Charamba: The UK secretly brought cholera into Zimbabwe for regime change. The diamonds belong to the whole country not just thieves. For example, none of my family members has had diamonds from there. I am a minister, yet I have no diamonds. Yet these people who have no positions in the government, already have diamonds. The UK would allow that in Zimbabwe, and not in the UK. Why?

Reporter: We hear that you are under-reporting the number of deaths from Cholera as you have done on deaths from HIV. Why is this?

Mr Charamba: Yugo Chavez said he hates George Bush. I agree with him. Don’t you. Hugo Chavez does not tell the Americans how many litres of oil he has. We do not tell Americans everything either. They do not tell us how many they have killed in Iraq.

Reporter: The American Secretary of State said President Mugabe ought really to step down to allow the country to move forward. What is your response to that.

Mr Charamba: The American Secretary of State is a peeping Tom.

Reporter: You mean Uncle Tom?

Mr Charamba: Whatever, He is a Tom.

Reporter: He is a she.

Mr Charamba: Exactly. I told you there was something of a Tom about her or her.

Reporter: What hasn’t the army been digging wells for the people so they can have fresh and clean water?

Mr Charamba: The Zimbabwean Army is not there as labourers for the people. The army is commanded only by the Commander in Chief, Comrade R G Mugabe. If he does not command them, they do not dig any wells. Will the British army go into Iraq without Gordon Brown saying so? I don’t think so.

Reporter: Are you not ashamed of the influx of your people into South Africa and other countries, because of cholera.?

Mr Charamba: These people should be going to America and Britain, because Brown and Bush caused the cholera. It is a shame they are going to our neighbours. You see we were only prepared for treating 89 cholera patients in the country. Bush and Brown infected thousands. What do you expect us to do?

Reporter: Why did you have space for only 89 patients in the whole country?

Mr Charamba: Brown and Bush imposed illegal Sanctions on us. We are reduced to eating bread without butter. Man! It is painful.

Reporter: The last time I interviewed you, you were talking about the “Look East policy” Did the Chinese not replace the west as your business partners then?

Mr Charamba: They did, we bought 38 tonnes of guns and ammunition, We bought 18 tractors for our farmers, we bought a new stove for the new presidential house, and 12 of our students have gone to China to study Military logistics. Look East is working but it is slow.

Reporter: What do you think your personal role will be in the new Unity government?

Mr Charamba: My role remains the same. ZANU PF will not negotiate my role with the puppet opposition. If you come back in three years time, you will still talk to me.

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