Monday 11 August 2008


It would be better if, instead of holding Olimpics in a fascist state like China, people could look at what actually matters to life and hold olympics about it with all countries represented by someone of worth.

The biggesrt threat to blacks is HIV. The most affected six countries are all black. The highest number of affected peiople is of blacks. The least likely people to survive are black. The most likely to be infected in the next few minutes are black. Why? Because black men are on a lifelong sexual rampage because they cannot self-actualise in any other area. Most of these are married but are not getting enough at home and do not see their wives as fellow humans worthy of respect, but as accessories or bling.

We should as black people be holding our own sexual olympics and inviting other nations to take part. We should be taking the high sexual skills into the black home and increasing the sexual performances in the home. These are the olympics that matter more to black people than what people are watching on TV from fascist China.

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