Thursday 9 October 2008

Self oppression by women in Namibia

HIV has a long way to go in such as Namibia. Africa is Oppressed, and oppresive. Read for yourself. Namibia fought a war of liberation and won it. Now several years later, the population has not understood that it has to fight the war all the way through to iberate its women and free its children from male abuse. The men also have to learn to be free to enjoy life with their wives.

A man who has sex from from his wife, because he has demanded to have it while she has no option but to give it, must be a very insecure man. This is 2008. The world, even in Namibia should have moved on. In this climate, you can understand why married women are wantonly infected by their husbands. They are nothing more than mobile vaginas for their husbands to play with.

I have said it before. The women raise the boys who become man. Is it the case that the mothers are raising men who oppress the women? This needs to be looked at closely and addressed. In Namibia men do not raise children. So where are the men getting these attitudes towards women from? Appealing to grown men, sexual dictators, is almost futile. Dictators never give up.

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