Wednesday 15 October 2008

FGM in Africa

This is 2008, not 1308. How does a mother who gave birth to a little girl stand by while the little girl had her clitoris cut off with a blunt piece of broken bottle?

Howe does a dad, the proptector of the family, on hearing what has happened to his little daughter, not kill the people who have done it? This is worse than rape, yet the official describes it as OUTMODED, like a car model. Its a pathetic situation. Uganda has done the right thing here, only several centuries too late.

In Zimbabwe, Botswana, South Africa, Zambia, Swaziland, and Lesotho, fathers are still infecting the mothers of their children with HIV. Its a sorry sight to see and a hard thing to imagine. Africa, the only continent where the population is axctively rejucing itself through death. The black race is cursed with a poor view of self worth.

What is wrong with Afrian parents?

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