Wednesday 25 May 2011

South Africa

I visited South Africa recently to see my old friends. The six countries most infected with HIV are all black and four are in Africa. Is this coincidence or design? Are blacks more prone to HIV than any other race or are there other factors? Why is nobody asking the question?

In South Africa sex is more wanton than any other place I have been and the rate of HIV increase is also highest. Even Zuma, the sexual teenager of South Africa, who doubles up as president, complete with four wives and a number of concubines, has had an HIV test. Thanks to washing with warm water every after sex, (his own invention against infection) he is negative.

Meantime, South Africans continue to be infected, continue to carry out corrective rapes on lesbians, continue to rape babies to cure AIDS, and so on, while Zuma continues to wash his penis in warm water after sex with each of his women.

In Zimbabwe two groups are most affected, the very poor women and the very rich men who can afford them. The third group is not discussed. These are the wives of the rich men who get HIV from their husbands after the husbands have been to play.

I tried to talk to a group of women about HPV infections from oral sex and all I got were giggles. One woman said oral sex is for whites and so the HPV will not affect blacks anytime soon.

I met up with a group of men wanting to hear about what is good sex for women. When I spoke about the need for the vagina to be wet before penis insertion, one man publicly informed us that African women do not require foreplay to get wet. They are always too wet and need to get drier instead. Compared to American women he had been with, there was never a need for foreplay in Africa. So dry sex continues and tiny cracks in the vagina make for easy infection.

Mass Condomisation and Mass circumcision have not had the desired effect. The condom is only used the first few times.

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