Sunday 18 April 2010

China and its deeds in Africa

Of all the weapons sold to Zimbabwe to be used to kill ordinary citizens; of all the contaminated milk sold to Adfrican mothers to be used to unwittingly kill their babies; Of all the support offered to dictators like Mugabe; Of all the fake medicines sold in Zimbabwe in 2007/8/9 and bought by sick people with their last few dollars; I read about China's own problems with mining and earthquakes and marvelled at how China actually worries about its own citizens but does not care a hoot about anyone else, especially in Africa.

This earthquake made me believe China has people (humans ) in it. This causes me confusion. Does China really feel that its own are more human than others? Is it racism or fascism causing China to treat us with total contempt while showing due compassion to its own citizens?

I feel sorry for the victims of disaters in China just like I feel sorry for those in Haiti, Chile and other places in the far East. I feel just as sorry for Mugabe's victims and the victims of Xenophobia in South Africa. Compassion should not discriminate to the point where I try to rescue Zimbabweans in distress but try to enhance ditress in China.

The Chinese should stop their evil deeds in Africa.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pure self interest! China does whatever it takes to get what it needs - good, bad or indifferent. Of course China finds its greatest bargain in the so-called third world.

Instant - it is good to see you back after a long absence!