Tuesday 24 March 2009

The Pope and his condoms.

The Pope is a pratt and I do wish he would just refrain from commenting on matters sexual, of which he knows very little unless he has been experimenting with his bishops or fiddling with his congregation as has been shown countless times within the catholic priesthood, but in the case of condoms he was right about one thing. AIDS is not caused by failure to use condoms. AIDS is caused by promiscuity and the solution to that is not condoms, but change of attitude. Research can do whatever reserach wants to do, but without these basc truths, research is wasting its time. Condoms give false security and in Africa condoms simply do not prevent AIDS because sexual practices are different from those in other places.

  • Condoms are not the best prevention method against HIV infection. faithfulness to one's spouse or partner is.

  • Condoms do burst and expose the users.

  • Condoms in Africa are not a financial priority. Governments, such as that of Zimbabwe give too few per week, leaving people exposed.

  • Condoms can be manufactured with faults.

  • Condoms are not made available in remote places where they are needed most.

  • Condoms are for the rich but are more needed by the poor whom authorities totally ignore.

  • African men, and black men in general simply hate condoms and would rather have sex without. When I was working, the highest incidents of resistance to condoms was always among black men, whether in Africa, Europe or America. Other races have no real problems with condoms.

The female condom is much better but many women in Africa wash and reuse it meaning their multiple male partners can be infected while the woman herself is safer. I like that idea myself. I really do not mind promiscuous men being infected. They deserve it. Just that it does not apply to married women whose husbands are promiscuous, and so the women are not protected.

Research is done on current attitudes and the pope was talking about ideas for social engineering and how best to control sex within communities. Those who responded angrily to his comments are looking at how to protect currently living people from HIV infection, a clearly difficult task. In my view, HIV is one of those infections which you do not get if you do not want it, unless you are a female in Africa, in which case you will almost definitely get it. HIV is spread by men in Africa. The same men who hate condoms. The pope is saying to people, "Adopt a different attitude."

1 comment:

how to get rid of Thai langauge said...

Please correct your information on re-use of the female condom. While it is not a good idea, as you say, some people are doing it. It can be done safely! Here are WHO guidelines on how best to do it safely: http://www.who.int/reproductive-health/stis/reuse.en.html
Thanks for the comments - good work!